A collaborative pianist is a professional accompanist
Collaborative Pianists Guild of Utah
Utah's association of professional accompanists
Collaborative Pianists Guild of Utah
Utah's association of professional accompanists
A collaborative pianist is a professional accompanist
Utah's association of professional accompanists
Utah's association of professional accompanists
*The CPGU website membership application had some technical issues over the past few months. If you applied but did not get a response, please apply again with the link below. Thank you for your patience!
We offer great support for fellow collaborative pianists and students who want to gain further experience in this field. Our bi-monthly meetings bring in professionals in the music field to enhance the discussion about what is Excellence in collaborative piano. We offer membership to college students and non-students (professionals).
The Summer Social was hosted by Beata Navratil in her lovely home in Draper where she cooked many wonderful foods. We discussed ways to be more present at local public schools and devised a list of "10 Tips for Working with an Accompanist", which will be hand delivered to local band and choir teachers. New postcards will be created with a QR code that links to the website, and an Instagram account will be set up. Members are encouraged to submit photos of themselves accompanying to Samantha Adair or post directly to Facebook or Instagram.
Formed in 2019 in Orem, Utah, the Collaborative Pianists Guild of Utah is an L3C trade association (tax-exempt) that supports its members with professional resources and continuing education. We advocate for professionalism in the music field between collaborative pianists and other musicians and their teachers.
The mission of the Collaborative Pianists Guild of Utah is to raise awareness, expand vision, and promote excellence in the art of collaborative piano; and to create a liaison between collaborative pianists and the musical community of Utah. We seek to encourage interest in collaborative piano among student pianists through community outreach and education of fellow piano teachers and sponsoring events that recognize outstanding collaborative work among young pianists.
The CPGU website membership application had some technical issues over the past few months. If you applied but did not get a response, please apply again here: